First Paranormal Experience

I've always been super interested in ghosts and anything paranormal, I have pondered if it was due to the fact that my parents let me watch "Horror" movies since I was like 3 years old. As I reached an age where I can fully grasp what a ghost exactly is, thats when things started to happen.

I was about 8 years old, I was living with my Mother and her boyfriend at the time in her boyfriend's home. I never liked that place since the moment I stepped foot in that house, it had a very off setting feeling. Once we moved in and settled down my established room was located downstairs, what a horrible spot to have a room especially in this house. I never liked being inside the home even when people where there, I would stay outside until I had to go to bed. There was just something about that house that gave me a feeling of RUN.

As time passed the unsettling feeling never ceased, it in fact grew into down right fear. A fear that is so gut wrenching and deep that it stays with you for the rest of your life. I dont know what was in that house, or why I was chosen to be its target but that feeling I felt in that house has never left. Was it demonic? I dont know... but I can surely say it was not good entity. I completely lost my self assurance and confidence and began sleeping with safe light, others would call it a night light and I still do till this very day.

The first thing I started to notice was the automatic light in the kitchen, it would turn on when it detected motion. I would stay up late and watch tv in the living room due to the fact that I had sleeping problems, no one else was up only me and the light would turn on. The only way to turn this light on is to walk in front of it. This scared the absolutely crap out of me, there was just no way to explain that trust me ive tried de-bunking it. This would happen anytime I was home alone.

The worst experience in this home happend almost every other night. When I was at that state of sleep when you're still awake but not fully the door of my room would open on its own. This door was kind of messed up from the house shifting so it took a lot of effort to open of close it. I would lay there thinking "it's just the house settling, it's just the house settling". Then the door would sound like it was actually getting shoved open by someone....or something.

After this, I became best friends with a night light, and always shut my closet door. Because you know thats a creepy place too, and with that being said there's a small look into my first paranormal experience.


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